Aces Of Attraction

It’s time for a fun and flirty date night! Begin with a deck of cards and assign each suit a different seductive interpretation. For instance, hearts symbolize kissing, diamonds represent a sensual massage, clubs denote manual stimulation, and spades signify oral pleasures. The numbers on the cards dictate the duration of each activity. If you draw the 9 of diamonds, your partner must lavish you with a sensual massage for nine seconds. All face cards equal 10 seconds. When an ace is drawn, it's your chance to surprise your partner with any seductive activity of your choosing. It's a delightful way to keep the excitement and anticipation alive throughout this fun and flirty date night! Either way at the end of the game you’re both winners. 😉
Card Assignments
Suit Examples:
Hearts = Kissing
Diamonds = Sensual Massage
Clubs = Manual Stimulation
Spades = Oral Pleasures
2 - 2 Seconds
3 - 3 Seconds
4 - 4 Seconds
5 - 5 Seconds
6 - 6 Seconds
7 - 7 Seconds
8 - 8 Seconds
9 - 9 Seconds
10 - 10 Seconds
Jack - 15 Seconds
Queen - 30 Seconds
King - 1 Minute
Ace - Dealers Choice!